Dame del Mare and the environment

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A picture is worth a thousand words. Use this space to focus on the thing which make you great.

Enjoy your holiday without polluting the environment: water is served in glass bottles, in your room you will find portable aluminum water bottles to be refilled using the water dispenser placed at the woods entrance.

Your Nespresso pods will be disposed devising the coffee from the aluminum. Coffee will be used to fertilize the vegetable garden, aluminium will be used to create small objects.

In your bathroom the soap, shampoo and conditioner are in dispensers, you'll find bamboo toothbrush and tabled tooth paste.

Even our vanity set is eco-friendly: it's composed by a glass container filled with disposable cotton fioc, carton nail file, and washable and reusable demake-up.

When you will update your memories on this holiday, you will find at your disposal bamboo pens. Additionally, we rent electric bikes to venture into Castro.

Contribute with us, with few small actions, to make the difference.

Dame del Mare and the environment will thank you!